Services We Provide
Transform your life with virtual therapy sessions. Mark Harol specializes in intimacy issues, addiction, anxiety, and more. Get personalized support to overcome challenges and improve your relationships—all from the comfort of home.
Virtual Counseling
Live individual counseling sessions via Zoom, available anywhere.
Take the First Step.
Start overcoming your challenges, whether it’s intimacy issues, relationship troubles, or anxiety.
Take Action To Tackle what’s blocking you from a full, satisfying life
Make today the day you put yourself and your one-and-only life first. Take control of your path by making positive changes that will last a lifetime.
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Personalized counseling can be one important element in making forward progress. Contact Mark to learn how.
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Learn more about Mark, and get insights into addressing betrayal, addictions, inappropriate compulsions and more.
Take our Assessment
For those who may be struggling with sexual compulsions, our assessment tool can help provide deeper insights.